Fitzpatrick Skin Type & You
The Fitzpatrick Skin Type can determine your skin type according to the reaction of your skin to Ultra Violet Radiation (UVR).

This chart was borrowed from a report by the Australian Government (Dept. of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety) in 2019 from the following link: Australian Government 2019
We are constantly exposed to UVR throughout our lives. For the best color description of true skin tone, be sure to check an area that receives the least amount of average exposure, such as your buttocks. The Fitzpatrick Skin Type is only one resource for determining the best care, products & treatment regime for your skin. Part of our standard initial consult for any Advanced Dermal Therapy involves consideration of your skin type in regards to UVR and other factors.
As defined by Healthline (Hecht, M. 2019) the Fitzpatrick Skin Types can be further described as:
Fitzpatrick skin type 1
- skin color (before sun exposure): ivory
- eye color: light blue, light gray, or light green
- natural hair color: red or light blonde
- sun reaction: skin always freckles, always burns and peels, and never tans
Fitzpatrick skin type 2
- skin color (before sun exposure): fair or pale
- eye color: blue, gray, or green
- natural hair color: blonde
- sun reaction: skin usually freckles, burns and peels often, and rarely tans
Fitzpatrick skin type 3
- skin color (before sun exposure): fair to beige, with golden undertones
- eye color: hazel or light brown
- natural hair color: dark blonde or light brown
- sun reaction: skin might freckle, burns on occasion, and sometimes tans
Fitzpatrick skin type 4
- skin color (before sun exposure): olive or light brown
- eye color: dark brown
- natural hair color: dark brown
- sun reaction: doesn’t really freckle, burns rarely, and tans often
Fitzpatrick skin type 5
- skin color (before sun exposure): dark brown
- eye color: dark brown to black
- natural hair color: dark brown to black
- sun reaction: rarely freckles, almost never burns, and always tans
Fitzpatrick skin type 6
- skin color (before sun exposure): deeply pigmented dark brown to darkest brown
- eye color: brownish black
- natural hair color: black
- sun reaction: never freckles, never burns, and always tans darkly
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